Is Oklahoma “Granny Cam” Bill A Watershed Moment For Nursing Homes?

On April 24th, the Oklahoma House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill that will allow nursing home residents and their legal guardians to place security cameras in the rooms of their loved ones without penalty or retribution.

This is not the first “granny cam” law to pass in the United States. Other states have passed versions of laws with similar goals. What makes the passage of this particular law different is the fact that it passed unanimously in a state that traditionally supports business interests.

When the state of Maryland attempted to pass similar legislation, the nursing home industry strenuously fought the passage of the bill. Dr. Charles Roadman of the American Health Care Association told ABC news that

“Placing a camera in a room is often the action of someone looking to sue,.. Moving a patient to a safe location or taking other immediate steps is the reaction of someone who cares. Cameras can also have the effect of unduly disrupting a positive, trusting relationship between a patient and caregivers and can interfere with their therapeutic relationship as well.”

I would strongly disagree. I have never heard of a single instance where a family placed a camera (hidden or otherwise) in a nursing home room without first trying many different tactics to have their concerns properly heard and satisfied.

Everyone with a family in a nursing home wants to believe that their parent, spouse, or child is getting quality care from people who care. Placing a camera in a nursing home room is universally an act of desperation from a family with no other options.

Video surveillance is often the only way that nursing home residents with dementia or other debilitating injuries can ever find justice. Before you place a camera in a nursing home room, contact a legal representative to be sure that you know your rights.

At my law offices, our Chicago nursing home lawyers have the experience and expertise to navigate all aspects of your nursing home abuse or nursing home neglect lawsuit. You can speak to me or one of my colleagues for no fee and no obligation.

Wish to file an Illinois nursing home complaint?

File an Illinois nursing home complaint here

About Barry G Doyle

For over 15 years I've represented victims of accidents and negligence. Protecting my clients and their families in their times of need is the reason I practice law. I have not and will not represent insurance companies, unlike some of the top law firms of Chicago. As a local Chicago injury compensation lawyer, I have dedicated my legal practice to helping the residents of the Northern Illinois areas with their personal injury claims. My No Recovery, No Fee approach means that your satisfaction with your settlement is my utmost focus. If you have questions about your legal situation, or that of a loved one, please contact us today for your free initial consultation - 312-263-1080.
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