No Charges Filed In Canadian Nursing Home Abuse Case

A Canadian man became suspicious when bruises and cuts began appearing on the face of his mother, an 85-year-old Alzheimer’s patient. He placed a hidden camera in her nursing home room and quickly uncovered evidence of nursing home abuse.

In just a few weeks, he uncovered evidence that four members of the staff at the Canadian nursing home were committing acts of abuse. I won’t bother going over the details of the abuse. You can find the details here.

This week, Canadian authorities have determined that they will not be pressing criminal charges against the four people caught on video committing the disgusting acts. This news should come as no surprise to anyone following this blog or nursing home news in general. The fact of the matter is, it takes a fairly egregious act to rise to the level of attack or assault.

There is no way that the only abuse occurring in that nursing home was being inflicted on a single resident. Likewise, the abuse went on (and probably continues to go on) for far longer than the three week period captured in the video.

Nursing home abusers are very much like any other criminal in one respect: they can never keep their mouths shut. It’s highly unlikely that those four abusers, and the others who may be employed in the home, kept their actions secret.

My guess is that the nursing home owners and administrators knew the abuse was happening, and took no action to stop it. And for that, they are also guilty.

If you have a loved one in an Illinois nursing home, and you feel they have been abused or neglected, contact our Chicago nursing home lawyers for a free and confidential evaluation of your case. At the Law Offices of Barry G. Doyle we never charge a fee unless we earn a recovery for you.

About Barry G Doyle

For over 15 years I've represented victims of accidents and negligence. Protecting my clients and their families in their times of need is the reason I practice law. I have not and will not represent insurance companies, unlike some of the top law firms of Chicago. As a local Chicago injury compensation lawyer, I have dedicated my legal practice to helping the residents of the Northern Illinois areas with their personal injury claims. My No Recovery, No Fee approach means that your satisfaction with your settlement is my utmost focus. If you have questions about your legal situation, or that of a loved one, please contact us today for your free initial consultation - 312-263-1080.
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